**Please note, we do not provide CEUs for viewing recorded webinars. If you are interested in receiving CEUs, you can view and register for our upcoming webinars here.**
This training will teach health professionals how to use valid, brief screening tools and help them determine the appropriate type of intervention based on the level of risk.
Tracy McPherson, PhD is the Senior Research Scientist in the Substance Abuse, Mental Health and Criminal Justice Studies Department at NORC at the University of Chicago. Dr. McPherson has led initiatives supported by NIDA, CSAP, NHTSA, NHLBI, SAMSHA, and CDC. She co-leads the Brief Intervention Group (BIG) Initiative aimed at changing the way providers of behavioral and medical healthcare services assess and intervene for substance abuse by adopting evidence-based screening, brief intervention, and referral to treatment practices.
Leigh Fischer, MPH, is the Program Manager for SBIRT Colorado at Peer Assistance Services, Inc. Ms. Fischer provides oversight to the statewide initiative, funded by SAMHSA CSAT, as well as training and technical assistance to healthcare providers and community-based organizations on implementation of screening, brief intervention, and referral to treatment.