We cannot ignore the role that substances play in physical and behavioral health. As such, we need to have the broadest approach to substance use possible, which means addressing substances in all facets of society, especially medical care settings. Addressing substance use in medical care settings is part of health promotion, prevention, and early intervention.
Solutions: Training and Collaboration
Teaching healthcare practitioners about treating people who have problems with substances will advance patient-centered care and will improve health for individuals and communities. Furthermore, to successfully address these issues, healthcare practitioners must engage in Interprofessional Collaborative Practice, defined by the World Health Organization as: “When multiple health workers from different professional backgrounds work together with patients, families, carers, and communities to deliver the highest quality of care.”
A recent report on Interprofessional Collaborative Practice espouses its importance in advancing patient centered and community/population oriented health care systems. I have been teaching this concept as part of several educational grants that we are currently facilitating and I could not agree more.
Recommended Resources
Infographic: Why Mainstream Healthcare Can’t Ignore Substance Use (please post and share!)
Framework for Action on Interprofessional Education & Collaborative Practice (2010)
Core Competencies for Interprofessional Collaborative Practice (2011)
Holly Hagle, Ph.D., has been actively working with providers since joining the Institute for Research, Education and Training in Addictions (IRETA) in 2003. She is the Director of the National Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment Addiction Technology Transfer Center (National SBIRT ATTC) and as such oversees all ATTC training and educational initiatives. Dr. Hagle has also overseen the curriculum development and project coordination for three Heath Resources and Services Administration (HRSA)-funded SBIRT projects with the University of Pittsburgh School of Nursing since 2006. She is an Adjunct Assistant Professor of Health and Community Systems, University of Pittsburgh, School of Nursing. Dr. Hagle has her BS in Psychology, MA in Education, Curriculum and Instruction, and Ph.D. in Education, Instructional Management and Leadership.
A version of this piece was originally published in The Bridge, a semi-annual publication of the ATTC Network that links science and service by providing information and tools on technology transfer and implementation science strategies.