The history of professional addiction treatment in the United States is fairly short and very complicated. Opened in 1935, the pastoral prison, rehab, and research center had a major impact on evidence-based practices today.
We Now Have Real-Time Overdose Data, Which is Great News
Health professionals, public servants, and regular folks can now access accurate data on fatal overdose in Allegheny and other Pennsylvania counties.
Overdose prevention strategies for heroin and prescription drug users (who may be one and the same)
Overdose in Allegheny County: 2014 updates. 2014 began with a rash of drug overdose deaths related to a dangerous heroin/fentanyl combination that emerged suddenly in the American northeast.
The Divided Self
We sometimes behave as if we had two selves. These two selves are in continual contest for control: indulgence for the immediate self, and prudence for the future one. Navigating conflicting preferences, our own and those of others.
Bringing New Treatment Options to Homeless Clients
I believe that being human entails both a conscious awareness of the external world and the acceptance and understanding of a self that is separate from that world. SMART Recovery bolsters those who often feel powerless, says local outreach counselor
We’re Two Today!
Celebrating IRETA Blog’s birthday! We blog for two reasons: 1) we want to help substance abuse prevention people do their jobs better and 2) we want to help expand the conversation about addiction and substance use.
The scarlet letter A, this time for addiction
What in the world was I going to say to this woman to get the patient to open up to me? Patients want to trust that their physicians aren’t judging them or talking about them behind their backs.
Substance use services for Deaf communities: What are the issues?
John is Deaf and part of a community that rarely has an easy time finding services for substance use and/or mental health disorders.
Hospital SBIRT: The Reasons
Are you trying to make the case for the use of Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment in a hospital setting? Maybe IRETA can help.
Using Behavioral Economics to Understand Addiction
Why might individuals behave in ways that are known to have dire consequences for their long-term health and happiness?