Allegheny County still has an above-average overdose rate and opioids are still our top concern.
We’re Overdue for Accurate Information on Marijuana
“It is hard for most to be objective about cannabis.” Although there were plenty of interesting discussions about marijuana’s therapeutic value, we want to talk about the health risks of marijuana use, including addiction.
R.J.’s Story, Part II: Setting the Stage on Day One
Part of a series by adolescent psychiatrist Peter Cohen called “High School Confidential: In the Trenches with Substance-Using Teens”
The CDC’s New Guidance on Women and Alcohol
People need accurate information about the risks of substance use to make their best personal health decisions.
Tough Kids, Tough Challenges – The Case Study
R.J. is a sixteen-year-old 10th grader. He was admitted to a therapeutic high school after multiple absences, failing grades, fights with peers, refusal to do work in class, and unpredictable disappearances at his previous high school.
Tobacco Killed My Dad Ten Years Too Soon
As a trainer for IRETA, when I talk about the consequences of substance use, I always include tobacco.
How To Get Your Criminal Defense Attorney and Therapist To Work Together
It’s best if the attorney and the mental health professional work together toward a common goal.
Here’s Exactly How We Expand the Use of an Evidence-Based Approach to Substance Use
How do we raise awareness about substance abuse, build skills, incorporate an evidence-based approach, and change practice?
Addressing Substance Use in a Clinic for Homeless People
Pittsburgh’s Healthcare for the Homeless program addresses substance use with regular screening, Motivational Interviewing, and philosophy of harm reduction.
Interactive Journaling: A Structured & Client-Directed Therapeutic Writing Tool
Interactive Journaling is an evidence-based approach to helping clients move through the stages of change.