Headline-writers cause IRETA’s Director of Research to facepalm. Wait until you see what the headlines did to study findings.
Heroin is Ubiquitous. But It’s Not Just Heroin.
A new DEA report on Pennsylvania’s overdose deaths underlines, italicizes, and exclamation-points this statement. Of 2,500 recorded drug-related deaths in Pennsylvania in 2014, 81% involved two or more drugs. Most Pennsylvania overdose deaths involve multiple drugs
Canada Is Of Two Minds on Safe Injection Sites
Amid rising levels of intravenous drug use, Canada passes stringent legislation that makes new safe injection sites “almost impossible.”
Annual Report 2015
You’ve been waiting for months. It’s finally here. It’s IRETA’s 2015 annual report!
Finding Support for Patients in Medication-Assisted Treatment
Five years ago, Bill White released an enlightening document about the “hazardous territory” between Narcotics Anonymous (NA) and medication-assisted treatment for opioid addiction.
What Was It Like and How Does It Matter?
Will Unite to Face Addiction Reverberate? There were a lot of different kinds of people at the Unite to Face Addiction rally on October 4. I tried to capture some of the variety with my camera, so the world could see how many sorts of folks care about this issue.
Unite to Face Addiction? Here’s How.
This weekend, thousands will gather at the National Mall in Washington, DC to demand that addiction be made a national priority.
Anyone Can Become Addicted. Anyone.
PaStop.org is Pennsylvania’s new hub for information on opiate use, addiction, and treatment.
Residential Treatment Facility Allows Clients to Keep Cell Phones, World Doesn’t End
In 2012, HealthRIGHT 360 began allowing clients to hold onto their cell phones in residential addiction treatment.
The Things We Carry to Our Last Job*
Part of the ongoing series “High School Confidential: In the Trenches with Substance-Using Teenagers” by Dr. Peter Cohen.