A couple of months ago, I read an article called The Brotherhood of Recovering Addicts about recovery homes, also known as sober homes and three-quarter way houses
Babies Aren’t ‘Born Addicted’ and Other Misconceptions About Drug Use in Pregnancy
Inaccurate ideas and discriminatory policies toward pregnant substance users create barriers to appropriate care. One local center is stepping up to the plate.
It’s Funny, It’s Fun, It’s Normal
These men are down to their last scraps of cash and they’ve passed up the most basic of necessities for alcohol. It seems likely that they have substance use disorders.
Together, Health Professional Associations Determine Core Competencies in Collaboration
In nursing school, you learn about anatomy, epidemiology, ethics. Those topics are covered in medical and dental school, too. But what about working as a team with other medical professionals? How do we teach future health professionals to work together?
Hint: Rhymes with “Poinsettia”
Happy holidays from IRETA!
Screening for risky alcohol use not nearly as common as similarly effective preventative services
Download IRETA’s new case studies to learn how organizations are using SBIRT in the real world.
Out of Sight, Out of Mind?
SBIRT pushes healthcare integration, heightens awareness of behavioral health problems. We’ve got a chance to connect more substantially with the folks who are using SBIRT in northeast Ohio, including ONE Health Ohio CEO Ron Dwinnells.
Substance Users’ Lives Have Value
A Message from IRETA’s Board Chair Rev. Dr. James Simms.
Completing the Program is Important…But it’s Just the First Step
IRETA recently completed a program evaluation of the Level 3C Residential Drug and Alcohol Treatment Program at Renewal, Inc, a nonprofit providing alternative housing and community corrections services for individuals in Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, and Federal justice systems.
Campus recovery groups transform lives. Can they change the student body at large?
“You were the first-ever president of the student recovery group at Penn State University. That meant you were one of the first people to talk publicly about your own addiction in a university with almost 100,000 undergraduate students. And you were only 21 years old. How did that feel?”