What in the world was I going to say to this woman to get the patient to open up to me? Patients want to trust that their physicians aren’t judging them or talking about them behind their backs.
Substance use services for Deaf communities: What are the issues?
John is Deaf and part of a community that rarely has an easy time finding services for substance use and/or mental health disorders.
Hospital SBIRT: The Reasons
Are you trying to make the case for the use of Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment in a hospital setting? Maybe IRETA can help.
Using Behavioral Economics to Understand Addiction
Why might individuals behave in ways that are known to have dire consequences for their long-term health and happiness?
8 Things a Primary Care Doctor Should Know About Working with People with Substance Use Disorders
Your ongoing relationship with your patient makes you the ideal person to monitor substance use and refer to specialty treatment as needed.
Could collaborative documentation be the next big—and effective—thing in behavioral healthcare?
Transparency is also expected from our health care providers. It’s what’s behind patient listservs and organizations that work to connect patients with each other and make health information accessible. Some say sharing session notes with patients improves the treatment of substance use disorders.
Hookah Use Growing Among Young Adults, Harms Underestimated
Hookah, after years of hiding in dark and smoky corners, is about to get pulled into the crossfire between two formidable forces: big tobacco and big government. Risks, regulation, and popular images of smoking waterpipes.
Infographic: Why Mainstream Healthcare Can’t Ignore Substance Use
We cannot ignore the role that substances play in physical and behavioral health. We need to have the broadest approach to substance use possible, which means addressing substances in all facets of society, especially medical care settings.
We can’t ignore the social aspects of substance use, addiction and treatment
Neuroscientist and social critic Carl Hart brings attention to the need for interventions that better address social environments.
Let’s be sensitive to the messages we hear about pills
Distributing candy pills at a behavioral health conference was a marketing faux pas. We can use it to spark change that will save lives.