Advocacy continues for a high school in New York City that specifically supports abstinence.
We know a lot about treating pregnant opioid users and we’re still losing ground
Many indicators show that drug use during pregnancy is trending upward. The lack of screening, access, and coordinated care hinders the implementation of effective treatment.
All in how you look at it
The blame game doesn’t work on an individual level, but it’s an essential ingredient for improving public health.
IRETA’s Year in Review, 2013
Happy Holidays from all of us at IRETA! “Best Of” lists proliferate this time of year–and we’re jumping wholeheartedly onto the bandwagon. Here, from our staff, are some of the best IRETA moments of 2013.
To improve public health, researchers “program a world”
Agent-based modeling simulates the interaction between people and the environment – and may offer valuable insights about preventing substance use-related harms.
Drugs are Double Edged
Three thoughts on New York Times’ “The Double Edged Drug,” a two-part series on the addiction treatment medication buprenorphine.
Women have been particularly affected by the War on Drugs
“Orange Is the New Black” and the disproportionate impact of drug policy on women. This blog post is a part of IRETA’s ongoing series on substance use and criminal justice.
A Message from the Executive Director
“Whatever your life’s work is, do it well. A man should do his job so well that the living, the dead, and the unborn could do it no better.” – Martin Luther King, Jr.
Health Literacy Has Momentum
As the concept gains traction, how can we use it to think about addiction and substance use?
Community Conversations
IRETA asks local educators and faith leaders: “How could SBIRT help you?” SBIRT is an evidence-based practice used to identify, reduce and prevent problematic substance use.