IRETA’s 2017 Annual Report summarizes the effectiveness of our longstanding medical student program.
Let’s Say You Run a Mayoral Campaign Focused Solely on Addiction. You Win. Then What?
When Kelley Kelley took office as the mayor of Turtle Creek, she’d promised the community that she would do a better job addressing addiction and its harms.
What It Means When People Show Up For Recovery
Each person who showed up for recovery sent the message that “Hey, a person who looks like me is affected by this, too!”
It Works! Annual Summer Program Changes Medical Students’ Views of Addiction
Peer-reviewed evaluation results indicate that students feel more responsible and motivated to help people with substance use disorders
How the Feds Can Make Naloxone Cheaper and Save Lives
Here are three strategies that the federal government should consider to ensure that naloxone is truly accessible.
Communication is a Key Element of an Effective Community Response to Opioid Addiction
Open conversation about addiction is important, but it can perpetuate myths, discouragement, and stigma.
Acquainting Criminal Justice Professionals With Addiction Treatment Fundamentals
IRETA works with courts to ensure that individuals on community supervision are receiving appropriate, high-quality care.
Older Adults Deserve Healthcare That Considers Substance Use
Addiction is a growing issue for folks over 65, and prescription medicines pose additional risks.
Updates on a Prescription Drug Monitoring Program in Pennsylvania
Tracking progress on our home state’s efforts to modernize our PDMP and improve the quality of care that all patients receive.
Safe Injection Spaces Save Lives and Money, But Will They Make It in America?
Ten countries have authorized Supervised Injection Facilities in about 66 cities around the world.