IRETA’s beginning has all of the right ingredients needed to combine in the right moment. Dr. Michael T. Flaherty, a clinical psychologist and Vice President of Behavioral Services at St. Francis Hospital, envisioned IRETA as an independent nonprofit seeking to align science, service, and policy in the area of addiction and its treatment.
Study Suggests Calling Myself an ‘Addict’ Is Different Than You Calling Me One
Before you start slinging the term “addict” around, consider the possibility that self-identifying as an addict and being labeled as one by an outsider are two very different things.
Medical Students Learn Addiction Skills Because They’ll Need Them in Practice
This year, as we have for the last 20 years, IRETA is hosting two groups of medical students who want to learn more about substance use, addiction, and addiction treatment.
IRETA to Host Much-Needed Community Panel on Inconsistent Quality in Addiction Treatment
On June 12, 2019, IRETA hosted a community symposium on the subject of barriers to high-quality addiction treatment.
Like All of Us, Dentists Can Play a Role in Reducing Opioid-Related Harms
Of the three million wisdom tooth extractions that occur each year, most patients are under the age of 25, and most leave with prescription opioids to manage pain associated with the surgery. This can have serious consequences over time.
A Medication-First Approach Can Blend Harm Reduction and Ongoing Treatment As Needed to Save Lives
In 2009, the World Health Organization advocated for a “medication first” approach to treating opioid use disorder. Ten years later, in the midst of an unprecedented number of opioid-related deaths, the idea is still marginal in America.
Parental Overdose and Grieving Children
Children who have lost a parent to overdose represent a group that is both large and vulnerable. Preliminary data gathered by the Allegheny County Dept. of Human Services shows that about 50% of residents who died last year from opioid-involved overdoses were parents.
Why Don’t We Do a Better Job with the Overlap Between Eating Disorders and Addiction?
Amy Winehouse was not unusual in her overlap between eating disorders and addiction. Research shows that substance use disorders (SUDs) go hand-in-hand with eating disorders (EDs), particularly binge eating and purging behavior.
Happy Holidays from All of Us
As an organization, IRETA benefits from many partners and supporters. We are tremendously grateful for the people we work with, and for the many thousands of people we are connected to all over the world. We thank you for the work we do together, and for your shared interest in substance use and health.
Concrete Ways to Shift from Punitive to Therapeutic Responses to Addiction
Even as the consensus seems to be gathering around the need for a less punitive and more therapeutic approach to addiction, there are monumental questions about how actually to achieve this shift.