What’s a Doctor Shopper? The term “doctor shopping” refers to obtaining controlled substances from multiple health care practitioners, usually without the prescribers’ knowledge of the other prescriptions.
Research Updates
It’s a Pain to Research SBIRT
Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment has a lot of moving parts. That makes measurement tricky.
Update Your Image of a Person with a Substance Use Disorder
So we know that words like “junkie” and “alcoholic” evoke an inaccurate image of a person with a substance use disorder
Out of Sight, Out of Mind?
SBIRT pushes healthcare integration, heightens awareness of behavioral health problems. We’ve got a chance to connect more substantially with the folks who are using SBIRT in northeast Ohio, including ONE Health Ohio CEO Ron Dwinnells.
Completing the Program is Important…But it’s Just the First Step
IRETA recently completed a program evaluation of the Level 3C Residential Drug and Alcohol Treatment Program at Renewal, Inc, a nonprofit providing alternative housing and community corrections services for individuals in Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, and Federal justice systems.
Campus recovery groups transform lives. Can they change the student body at large?
“You were the first-ever president of the student recovery group at Penn State University. That meant you were one of the first people to talk publicly about your own addiction in a university with almost 100,000 undergraduate students. And you were only 21 years old. How did that feel?”
What is SBIRT and why might it fit well in mental health settings?
Sort of amazingly, research on SBIRT for risky substance use in mental health settings is scant. That’s why we’re excited about a large randomized clinical trial that UCLA kicked off last year.
Recovery is Excelsior, Ever Upward
our culture and language have described these issues as nearly impossible to tackle. We even have slogans like “once an addict, always an addict.” However, the evidence paints a different picture. Let’s expand the definition of recovery during National Recovery Month.
A Look at Treatment History: The Narcotic Farm
The history of professional addiction treatment in the United States is fairly short and very complicated. Opened in 1935, the pastoral prison, rehab, and research center had a major impact on evidence-based practices today.
The Divided Self
We sometimes behave as if we had two selves. These two selves are in continual contest for control: indulgence for the immediate self, and prudence for the future one. Navigating conflicting preferences, our own and those of others.