It’s the darkest time of the year in the Northern Hemisphere. It’s a time when we are drawn together–for warmth and support, to express appreciation, and to reflect on what matters.
As an organization, IRETA benefits from many partners and supporters. We are tremendously grateful for the people we work with, and for the many thousands of people we are connected to all over the world. We thank you for the work we do together, and for your shared interest in substance use and health.
As we reflect on what matters, we think of the oft-quoted words of Andrew Carnegie, a Pittsburgher like ourselves. He said, “My heart is in the work,” a sentiment that’s gone on to become the official motto of Carnegie Mellon University and indeed seems to pervade our whole hometown here in Pittsburgh.
Our heart is in the work, and it has not become easier in the face of so many losses to drug overdose. Our heart is in the work, which means we proceed, no matter what.
This year, we continued to work to improve the ways healthcare settings, addiction treatment providers, and the criminal justice system respond to substance use and addiction. We continue to espouse the idea that things can be done better–and offer strategies and assistance for exactly how. Read more about our year in our FY 2018 Annual Report.
As this year comes to a close, we sincerely look forward to another year of work–and all the excitement, frustration, progress and impatience that come with it.
For now, please accept our warmest holiday wishes. Best to you and yours. See you in 2019.