**Please note, we are not able to offer certificates of attendance or CEUs for viewing archived webinars.** During this webinar you will learn how to: -Identify risk and protective factors for suicide that are either specific to or more prevalent for individuals who use substances. -Demonstrate an understanding of the importance of ethical assessment and […]
Related Problems
Treating a Patient with a Co-Occurring Disorder
**Please note, we do not provide CEUs for viewing recorded webinars. If you are interested in receiving CEUs, you can view and register for our upcoming webinars here.** Description Patients with mental health disorders are at increased risk for substance use disorders, and vice versa. Many approaches to treatment address one or the other, despite their […]
Hope and Help for Families Affected by Substance Use Disorders
**Please note, we do not provide CEUs for viewing recorded webinars. If you are interested in receiving CEUs, you can view and register for our upcoming webinars here.** Description Substance misuse and substance use disorders often have an adverse impact on families and their individual members, including children. Yet little attention is paid to the impact […]
Treatment Improvement Protocols (TIPs) by SAMHSA
The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration (SAMHSA) publishes a series of best-practice manuals for the treatment of substance use disorders and other related topics. The 60+ Treatment Improvement Protocols (TIPS) are available for download online, or can be ordered in print.
Motivational Interviewing to Address Hepatitis C
Among people who have used or currently use intravenous drugs, one in three young adults and three in four older adults are Hepatitis C-infected.
Tips for Enhancing Brief Interventions – Nutrition, Diet & Sleep
**Please note, we do not provide CEUs for viewing recorded webinars. If you are interested in receiving CEUs, you can view and register for our upcoming webinars here.** Description This webinar focuses on tips for helping patients with nutrition, diet and sleep during the substance addiction and recovery phases. A brief discussion of why patients can […]
Tips for Enhancing Brief Interventions – Stress Management / Resilience
**Please note, we do not provide CEUs for viewing recorded webinars. If you are interested in receiving CEUs, you can view and register for our upcoming webinars here.** Description According to many experts, stress is a major contributor to an individual’s dysfunction. When an individual is feeling stressed, s/he is susceptible to a host of negative […]
Anger Management
**Please note, we do not provide CEUs for viewing recorded webinars. If you are interested in receiving CEUs, you can view and register for our upcoming webinars here.** Description This workshop will examine a variety of cognitive-behavioral approaches to anger management designed to assist clients in both reducing their daily levels of anger and in developing […]
HIV/AIDS and Substance Abuse: What are the Connections and Implications for Treatment Provision?
**Please note, we do not provide CEUs for viewing recorded webinars. If you are interested in receiving CEUs, you can view and register for our upcoming webinars here.** Description This webinar will identify the social and psychological aspects of HIV infection that may impact AOD treatment outcomes, discuss the experiences of special populations relating to stigma […]
Addiction and Traumatic Brain Injury
Addiction and Traumatic Brain Injury presentation will lessen communication barriers due to paradigm confusion, separate the paradigms of alcoholism, addiction, and dependence, identify ‘real world’ implications for serving clients better: DSM-5 and beyond.