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These SBIRT for Youth Learning Community sessions are held every two months, and are open to the public.
Substance use by adolescents is a significant public health problem and is associated with both acute and long term health problems. The American Academy of Pediatrics and other organizations recommend screening and brief intervention to prevent or reduce substance use as part of routine care for adolescents. This learning community focuses on the process of SBIRT as it is being implemented for youth audiences.
The goals of the SBIRT for Youth learning community are to:
- Examine the application of SBIRT in various youth settings
- Create a community of providers, administrators and researchers who share a passion for reducing and/or eliminating substance use in youth populations
- Share experiences with implementing SBIRT in youth settings
Holly Hagle, Ph.D., is the Director of the National SBIRT Addiction Technology Transfer Center. Dr. Hagle has been actively working with providers since joining the Institute for Research, Education and Training in Addictions (IRETA) in 2003. She is the Director of the National Screening, Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment Addiction Technology Transfer Center (National SBIRT ATTC) and as such oversees all of the training and educational initiatives.
Brett Harris, Dr.P.H., is Project Evaluator of the federally funded New York State SBIRT (NYSBIRT) cooperative agreement which delivers SBIRT in Sexually Transmitted Disease clinics and Tuberculosis Chest Centers in New York City and emergency departments and a federally qualified health center in Jefferson County near Fort Drum. Brett recently defended her dissertation on factors that facilitate and impede the adoption and implementation of SBIRT in SBHCs and has received her Doctor of Public Health from the University at Albany.
Tracy McPherson, Ph.D., is a Senior Research Scientist at NORC at the University of Chicago. Over the past 13 years, McPherson has led initiatives supported by NIDA, CSAP, NHTSA, NHLBI, SAMSHA, and CDC. She co-leads the Brief Intervention Group (BIG) Initiative aimed at changing the way employee assistance and providers of behavioral healthcare services assess and intervene for substance abuse by adopting evidence-based screening, brief intervention, and referral to treatment practices.