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This webinar shares best practices and lessons learned from implementation and evaluation of an SBIRT program that has been rolled out in the eight NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DOHMH) sexually transmitted disease (STD) clinics. The DOHMH STD program serves over 90,000 patients with STD screening and treatment, HIV testing, and other related sexual and reproductive health services. Building on a long term relationship focused on demonstrating need to address alcohol and substance use for STD clinic patients, NYS OASAS and NYC DOHMH collaborated to optimize the SBIRT model for STD clinic settings, effectively implement universal SBIRT services, and evaluate program outcomes. This real world example demonstrates the integration of a new set of services in a specialized healthcare setting. Presenters detail the history of the SBIRT program in NYCDOHMH STD clinics, leveraging support, adapting workflow and documentation in electronic medical records, evaluation of program outcomes, and progress toward sustainability.