**Please note, we do not provide CEUs for viewing recorded webinars. If you are interested in receiving CEUs, you can view and register for our upcoming webinars here.** Description Beliefs about substance use are always tied to culture. As a result—even more than most healthcare practices—effective use of Screening, Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) […]
A Look at Military Culture
Presentation on “A Look at Military Culture” featuring Ariel L. David. This webinar explores nuanced alcohol and drug trends within military populations and factors contributing to substance use.
Implementation of SBIRT – Lessons from the Field
**Please note, we do not provide CEUs for viewing recorded webinars. If you are interested in receiving CEUs, you can view and register for our upcoming webinars here.** Description The presenters discuss common themes and lessons learned from a multi-site SBIRT implementation project conducted by the National Council for Behavioral Health in Ohio. In addition, using […]
Alcohol Use and Trauma Patients: Opportunities to Change Lives
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oadlo45iHW0&feature=youtu.be **Please note, we do not provide CEUs for viewing recorded webinars. If you are interested in receiving CEUs, you can view and register for our upcoming webinars here.** Description Learning Objectives: 1. Identify SBIRT (Screening & Brief Intervention and Referral for Treatment) as a system change initiative in the context of trauma. 2. Understand the continuum […]
It’s Time to Close the Gap: Implementing Substance Use Screening and Brief Interventions for Adolescents in Mental Health Settings
**Please note, we do not provide CEUs for viewing recorded webinars. If you are interested in receiving CEUs, you can view and register for our upcoming webinars here.** Description Teens with mental health issues are at increased risk for substance use, but they are rarely screened for substance use in behavioral health settings. To address this […]
SBIRT for Youth Learning Community: A New Adolescent SBIRT Toolkit for Educators, Featuring Dr. Tracy McPherson
**Please note, we do not provide CEUs for viewing recorded webinars. If you are interested in receiving CEUs, you can view and register for our upcoming webinars here.** Description Dr. Tracy McPherson of NORC at the University of Chicago reviews the newly-released Adolescent SBIRT Instructor’s Toolkit for Social Work, Nursing, and Other Educators. Available at no […]
Alcohol: The Way You Define the Problem Influences Your Solution
**Please note, we do not provide CEUs for viewing recorded webinars. If you are interested in receiving CEUs, you can view and register for our upcoming webinars here.** Description The advent of clinical trials and alcohol epidemiology in the middle of the last century has led to an explosion of knowledge about alcohol’s effects on individual […]
Shaping Up Your Motivational Interviewing Skills, Featuring Kate Speck Ph.D.
**Please note, we do not provide CEUs for viewing recorded webinars. If you are interested in receiving CEUs, you can view and register for our upcoming webinars here.** Description School counselors, probation officers, social workers, physicians, and of course, addiction counselors are all using Motivational Interviewing to promote positive change. This webinar is for any professional […]
SBIRT For Youth Learning Community Webinar: Featuring Bridget Murphy and Evan Elkin
**Please note, we do not provide CEUs for viewing recorded webinars. If you are interested in receiving CEUs, you can view and register for our upcoming webinars here.** Description With funding provided by the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation, Reclaiming Futures at Portland State University is implementing a five site pilot of a new SBIRT model with […]
What’s Your Take on EHRs and SBIRT? Featuring Jim Winkle
**Please note, we do not provide CEUs for viewing recorded webinars. If you are interested in receiving CEUs, you can view and register for our upcoming webinars here.** Description Learn to identify limitations of electronic health record (EHR) software in facilitating SBIRT clinic processes, describe an ideal EHR-supported SBIRT workflow, and understand how EHR tools can […]